The Tax Assessor will have office hours on Thursday February 13, 2025 instead of Wednesday February 12, 2025. (4:30-5:30pm)

If assistance is needed prior to Scott’s return, please email

Tax Assessor

Scott Imbriaco, Tax Assessor

The Tax Assessor is available Wednesday evenings from 4:30pm to 5:30pm.
in the Tax Office at 555 Brighton Avenue, Spring Lake Heights, N.J

General Information & Responsibilities:

The Assessor’s Office, under the general direction of the Monmouth County Board of Taxation and the State Division of Taxation, undertakes the assessing activities of the Borough of Spring Lake Heights as prescribed by law.

  • Responsible for establishing an assessed value for all properties in the Borough as of Oct. 1st of the pre-tax year. The Assessor’s Office adjusts all property assessments by annually reassessing all properties in the Borough. The goal of annual reassessments is to maintain property assessments at current market value to ensure the fair distribution of the tax levy. In order to accomplish this, assessments must be annually reviewed and revised to market value based on the most recent sales data. A property owner should expect the market value (assessment) of their property to change annually.
  • Determines the market value (assessment) of each parcel in the Borough, not the taxes. The tax rate is calculated by dividing the total tax levy by the net valuation of the Borough (total of all taxable property assessments) from the approved State budgets of the County of Monmouth, School Districts, and the municipality of Spring Lake Heights. Each property then pays its proportionate share of the taxes based on the tax rate multiplied by their assessment.
  • Processes building permits to determine the value for added assessments. If improvements were made to a property during the year, a property owner may receive an additional bill for this added value in October, due November 1st.
  • Reviews all applications for deductions and exemptions such as Senior Citizen, Disabled Persons, Veterans, & Surviving Spouse. These applications are available at the following link 
  • Maintains the current tax map for the Borough. Compiles an annual list of changes to be made to the map as a result of subdivisions, exemptions, corrections, etc.
  • Responsible for approving new block and lot numbers due to subdivisions. Maintaining all new and old property addresses and approval of new street names in the Borough.
  • Defends property assessments upon appeal. All property owners are notified of their future year assessment by postcard on or before November 15th annually. If a property owner disagrees with their assessment, a tax appeal must be filed on or before January 15th with the Monmouth County Board of Taxation. Instructions can be found on the reverse side of this postcard. This is the link for filing an assessment appeal with the Monmouth County Board of Taxation 
  • Reviews all property sale transfers in the Borough. This includes determining if a sale is categorized as useable or non-useable. Property ownership is updated once a deed has been recorded with the Monmouth County Clerk’s Office and received by this office.
  • Maintains all property record cards of properties in the Borough. This information includes, ownership, mailing address, property location, year built, lot sizes, and characteristics of the structure.

The Borough of Spring Lake Heights Inspections for 2024:

The Borough of Spring Lake Heights is under contract with Realty Data Systems (RDS) to inspect a designated portion of all properties located in the Borough each year.

These inspections enable the Borough to maintain accurate property records used to complete annual reassessments, which are a critical component in the fair distribution of taxes.

A notification was mailed to all property owners subject to an inspection this year, which contained instructions for contacting RDS to complete a “remote virtual” (RV) interior inspection which requires no entry.

The RV is user-friendly, requires no app downloads and can be completed by calling (732) 719-2265 from your smart phone at any time between 9am and 5pm, Monday-Friday (no appointments required).  Please make sure you are at your property when calling.

Inspectors will also visit your property to conduct a full exterior (front and rear) inspection which includes photographs.

During that visit, an interior walkthrough will be offered (if an RV has not previously been completed), and you will again receive printed instructions for completing an RV if that is your preference.  If an adult is present during a visit, but declines an interior inspection, the inspectors will not return to your property, but you can call still call to complete a virtual inspection for a limited period.

A door hanger containing those instructions will be left at each property for which an owner/occupant is not present.

During walkthroughs inspectors will respect social-distancing and wear masks when inside any property.

Property visits will take place between 9am and dusk, Monday-Saturday, and all personnel will carry photo ID.  Our office and the Police Dept. possess all inspector background and other pertinent information.

If for any reason you would like to refuse an interior inspection, please visit, click “INSPECTIONS” and select the REFUSAL FORM.

Please note that if an interior inspection is not completed, my office may need to make estimates that could result in an inaccurate property record or tax assessment, and Monmouth County may limit your rights during any assessment appeal.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

To see if you are included in the inspections for 2024, please click on the link below:

Borough of Spring Lake Heights 2024 Property Inspections (pdf)